Giving A Blog A Fresh Start

Keeping a travel blog running after the travel has finished can seem pointless, but, well…it’s not. Because of one main reason – I love to write.

Travel experiences can be so rich, fascinating, or emotionally stirring, there is always something else to write about. 

Besides the articles, there’s always maintenance to be done. I’m proud of my blog, and hope to expand my reading audience. So i’m currently updating every one of my previous posts – that’s more than 2 years of articles now – to fix up certain settings and formats.

Revisiting all my old posts is making me miss my travels – a lot! For me, the trip changed everything, and it continues to resonate through my everyday life, and probably always will.

When I was feeling the post-travel blues, writing about it made it feel like the adventure never ends. And sure enough, we’ll be scooping the cobwebs off our backpacks, and blowing the dust off our passports next week.

Our first break in 10 months, since coming home and slogging it out in our boring jobs. A 10 day journey through Bali awaits us! Time to eat the street-cooked noodles, and feed the monkeys, and marvel at the strangest places where temples have been built! A jumpstart for the travellers in us! We can’t wait!

There’s more up my sleeve for my writing. A trip to Paris awaits in June. More on that later. Plus, I have a brain full of Africa stories just waiting to be published, so perhaps you might see them coming soon!

4 thoughts on “Giving A Blog A Fresh Start

  1. Hi Derrick, Im already following your blog. I think its ok to continue writing even after the trip was over. As you say, there are fond memories and things you can reflect upon as inspiration for new contents. I have about 8 years of untold travel stories. Back then I havent tried to blog until a friend of mine thought I should share my adventure somewhere. One story at a time!

  2. Hello Derrick, I can’t wait to hear stories about Africa! There is always good measure for follow up posts. Sometimes you learn new things about an experience after you have lived a little longer to find new pieces to the puzzle. You are fortunate to be able to look at different adventures you have had without all the excitement of being in the moment.

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